Doomed heart?

He may lie to the whole world;
Rob he may the entire world,
But have you truly noted one
Escaping from his faulty heart?

He may pick a delicate flower,
And create a castle sky high,
But have you seen a man ever
Mending his crumbling heart?

He may win the entire world;
Lords may kiss his velvet feet,
But can he ever, truly heal
His doomed, aggrieved heart?

හිතට හොරෙන්?

ළොවට බොරු කළත්,
ළොවට හොර කළත්
හිතට හොරෙන් කිසිදා
සැඟ වෙන්න හැකිද මිතුරේ?

සුවඳ මල් කැඩූ මුත්
රජ මාළිගා තැනූවත්
හැදුවේද අයෙකු මිතුරේ
හද හඬා වැටෙන ඔහුගේ?

ලොවම නුඹ දිනූවත්
අලි, ඇතුන් දන නැමූ මුත්
ජය ගන්න හැකිද මිතුරේ
බිඳුනු හිත නුඹේ, කිසිදා?


Copyright © April 15, 2020, Newton Ranaweera
Image source: Pixabay


9 thoughts on “Doomed heart?

  1. When there is no true love, there is no sincere life. Everything is a sham just to achieve a purpose contrary to love. In the end, the lie comes to light and everything falls apart. I liked your poem. It is fascinating to read you.

    Liked by 4 people

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